Tuesday, December 24, 2013

 It has been rather quiet on the blog -- funny thing is you forget about all the different things that you do. The internet is like a giant pinball machine. Tonight because of what I was working on my ball hit the blogger website and it lite up the pin.

Things will get better and hopefully more and more reporting/blogging will take place here as we look for an administrator to handle all of our social media sites, which now (off the top of my head), includes two domains, Facebook, LinkedIn, Blogger, Google+, newspaper submission sites(cannot for the live of me remember their names) and who knows what else...

I will try and link our newsletters to the blog. Guess it would be a good time to test and see what works, and what does not work...

River Dragon Newsletter

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Save Dragon Point -- Before and After.....

It has been rather quiet lately, with the board and committees working on a variety of projects to get Annie back, I thought it would be nice to post some before and after pictures that I ran across on the web.

Hopefully we will see her and the kids back soon.

If you are interested in helping send an email to Peter Moolhuizen  or visit our website Save Dragon Point and register. We can use all the help we can get.

Before Annie..


Annie before any damage....

Before the big collapse

.You can already see the damage(crack) occurring on the front leg.

Here you can see that the one front leg has already collapsed. This would have been the time to fix it.. Wondering why that did not happen?


Sunday, March 17, 2013

Support Save Dragon Point

Recently the group Save Dragon Point is actively recruiting members to the group, volunteers, boar members, committee members and any other support that they can get.

Annie who use to look like this in all her glory now looks like this..

The goal of the Save Dragon Point group is to purchase the point and rebuild Annie the Dragon so that generations can enjoy her also.

You can visit us at Save Dragon Point

Or email us if you would like to participate or have questions.

We look forward to hearing from you!!!